Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Getting ready for the big trip!

This week ~ setting up and getting ready to go!  D-Day (departure) set for Monday June 24th!  Lots of packing to do.  Haven't been able to do a test camping run - so like usual we'll be winging it :).


  1. "Griswold's" (AKA-Geoy, Cindy and Kids)Hope you have a wonderful time. Hope you Blog about the culinary finds and enjoy some different and fun food finds across the country. Perhaps a Diner's, Drive in's & Dives. Have fun!

  2. So excited you and Sam are doing this blogging thing! Can't wait to check up on you every day or so. Upset that you won't be here for the 4th though. Have a safe trip and enjoy every minute of it. Love you all!

  3. Oh Cindy, this is such a good idea. I can't wait to read about your adventure.......and I will check Sam's out too. I'm sure he will be sharing a completely different perspective. Safe travels!
    Connie Lou
